Thursday, October 29, 2009

... Aparthied days Part 1

I should have written a blog about this a long time back. Last month, i had a previlage of going to the Robin island (cape town). The island which is famously (or infamously rather) known for imprisoning Nelson Mandela for 27 frekkin years for fighting for liberty and equality for blacks.

I chose a state run tourism package which involved a ferry ride to Robben island, a bus ride, visit to the prisons and interaction with an ex political prisoner.

its 12.06AM now and i cant invest more time in writing about how i felt and what are my views regarding apartheid well, i am too sleepy now. but one should see the below picture that depicts the type and extent of aparthied that existed even in a prison having just the 'Blacks' and the 'Colored' (no offence meant)

Let me help you with what is written here -
Mealie = local name for corn
Puzamandla- a Porridge
B class - colored and indians
C Class - Blacks.

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