Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fuzzy toilet door signs

Signs on toilet doors are a interesting things to notice. I recently went to this restaurant for a nice little dinner. The rest rooms here had 2 doors - one with a picture of a screw and other with a picture of a Bolt. hmmm.. Given the fact that the restaurant had a bar attached, and people here at times get really drunk, don’t you think the hotel management is expecting customers with above average IQ? Someone who can be smart even while he/she is drunk :). You can expect a few drunk people would be "pissed" even without going to the toilet.

Yesterday's restaurant was even worse. it was a German restaurant at the waterfront. the toilet doors had similar pictures of....err.. Human beings.. i couldn’t recognize the freaking symbols even without having drinks..

The lady wore a long gown with her hair covered.. The man also wore some sort of gown - Well, i donno what that shit was. Something that only Germans after having a couple of pints of dark beer could recognize. It took me a while to decode this symbol..  I just hope that toilets in future don’t have ‘XX’ for female and ‘XY’  for male.. 

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