Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reading the reviews/ratings before watching the movie

This is my first blog in 2009. There were a lot of things that i thought i would do on priority in 2009. Updating my blog was one of them.
But hey! Guess what, my first post comes on Feb 24 2009 - Just 2 months. now a days, even Indian government does things faster than this :)

For all the people who are wondering where i am, and what i am doing, here is your answer - i am in Cape town South Africa right now on an onsite

Reading the reviews before watching the movie

i have this Unusual habit of looking into the review of a movie before watching it in a theater or... downloading it :).
I know that some people here don’t agree with me. (Well, when i say "some people" I mean almost 80 percent of the people i know).

Watching a movie in a multiplex in India costs u around 300 bucks (first day first show) and not all can afford to see all that the bollywood/hollywood has to offer.
Having said that, i try to optimize my selections by reading reviews on various websites. i refer to websites such as:

IBNLive.com - critic's opinion

if the average of the ratings suggests that the movie is good, and if the ratings on all these websites are consistent, I watch the movie. Otherwise, i wait for such a movie.
The idea here seems to be logically correct and is a quantitative way to gauge a movie. However, my friends seem to feel that by doing so, I would miss out on some good movies.
i surely would miss some good ones. But don’t u think that the movies that i choose has a better probability of being good?

Secondly, watching a movie just because a "superstar" is acting is the stupidest thing to do. a movie should be a good mix of plot, acting, cinematography.. etc. I gave it a try for Delhi 6. And believe me, it was not a great movie to watch (leave apart the music) cuz it lacked a good story and a pretty average acting by Abhishek Bacchan. i made a mistake of watching this movie in spite of the fact that the ratings given to this movie were inconsistent on the review sites. I felt that at a time where i had a choice of watching Oscar nominated movies such as "Milk", "curious case of Benjamin Button" i choose to watch such a dumb movie.

Forest fire

Its summer time here in cape town. and believe me, the scotching heat and dry winds make it an ideal time for forest fires. The window in my room faces east and hence, i usually know when the sun rises. This monday though was a bit different. it was 6.35AM and it was still dark. i did not realize it until i left for office @ 7.45AM. This is what i saw:

The photo isn't that great though.. after all, i captured it using my mobile phone.


Unknown said...

The window in my room faces west and hence, i usually know when the sun rises.

Doesnt the sun rise in the east :-p

Tthe other guy said...

thanks for that..

Anonymous said...

Dude, 'Milk' is a must watch. Sean Penn will blow you away. 'Curious case..' is also a good movie and will keep you riveted even though it is slightly long.

Tthe other guy said...

i know that man.. and guess what, i have heard great reviews about that movie. should watch it sometime during the weekend.